Gracie’s Story & How A Family of Crows Teamed Up With Human to Save Their Baby, by Phoebe Boule

The video above is a beautiful tale of crows who are loyal to the human woman who helps to save a young crow in distress.

I have seen something very similar happen in my life. 

Let me tell you the story of my beloved dog Graciella, Gracie for short, and the crows who loved her and looked out for her. 

A few years back Gracie was just a five pound chihuahua who loved to go outside every chance she got, but because we lived on 22 acres of land that was mostly woods this was dangerous at times because we were often visited by a menagerie of wild animals from possums, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, deer, squirrels and an unlimited number of species of birds. There were predatory birds like hawks and friendlier birds such as a murder of crows that took up residence in my yard and were fed by me on a regular basis. 

Crows have great memories and remember people and animals, those who are good and those who are bad. Crows do hold grudges and they are grateful to people who help them because they can recognize faces as well as people. They also know your voice and pick up on voice inflections and know whether you are happy, sad, or mad.

So, when these crows from my yard saw my beloved Gracie in trouble— because a hawk was about to grab her and fly away—and they could see I would not be able to get to her in time, and them, being the protectors of the sky, took off and hassled the mean old hawk until it flew away. In this way the crows kept my baby from being dinner for a hawk. 

In April this year at the ripe old age of 15 1/2 years the world slowed down long enough for Gracie to step off and step onto the Rainbow bridge and she is now living her best life ever. I will always be grateful to the crows that gave her that chance for a longer life with me. 

Phoebe Boule