The Wall Street Strategy Turned Democrats into Republicans, by Davin Michael Stedman

For Biden to win in November he needs to deliver what he said Bernie could not. The former Vice President must do this after killing Bernie’s campaign like Wellington and the Coalition that brought down Napoleon:

No… more like Lyndon B Johnson signing overdue Civil Rights legislation after JFK was killed by the interests of Big Money.

Biden needs to now become FDR.

JFK, Johnson, Sanders, Biden. These are masters of The Senate.

…and for all of you that freaked out on me yesterday for saying Biden had to move Left and spell it out quick after vanquishing Bernie, today his first gambit was student debt forgiveness.

All of you so called Democrats that are freaking out when actual Liberals question if the DNC is going to back actual Democratic platforms despite the pressures of Wall St to suppress actual progressivism, I have an irrefutable fact for you.

Anyone with a brain cell knows the Southern Strategy. The Dixiecrats became Republicans between the Flood of 27′ and Johnson signing the Civil Rights bills.

But Democrats refuse to acknowledge what I shall coin here, the WALL STREET STRATEGY.

As much as I admire the political successes of The Clintons, and cast my vote reluctantly for Hillary and now Biden I do so knowing a fact no one can refute.

To take back the Whlicite House from GOP which held power from 1980 to 1992, with Bush Sr as VP, then President, and CIA boss before that:

The Clintons became Republicans to beat the Republicans.

And it was all big money: the deregulation, the crime bills, countless decisions that were Right of Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt.

…and they did what they had to do. But Democratic voters have NO EXCUSE for not understanding the NEW DEAL and pretending that FDR’s platform that Bernie presented was extreme or unachievable. It had already been achieved then slowly dismantled by the Clinton-era Wall Street Strategy to turn Democrats into moderate Rockefeller Republicans. It was a Northern Strategy.
…and it worked, for all while.

There is one litmus test available to determine if you are victim of the Wall Street Strategy.

Did you say that Bernie’s ideas were extreme?

Well now we are in the midst of another Great Depression. Wall St has failed us again and has no solutions now because they never did.

An institution that grows exponentially to flatten wages and assure us our economy is strong is an institution we should drown in the river of Mice and Men.

If this virus does not finally show you that, well then welcome to your Wall Street Stategy. You are actually a Republican. That’s not an insult. There used to be many good ones.

But now Biden might actually have to be a Democrat and do Democratic sh☆t. Don’t tell me the ACA is really a Democratic model. It’s called Romney Care. It’s the best a Republican could do while voting and caucusing with the DNC.

Learn history, then tell me we should just repeat the 2016 strategy.

– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many ventures, such as the AMAZING blog, Davin’s recent song has become a global earworm and Caribbean dancehall hit. Listen here on Reggaeville: DAVIN MICHAEL STEDMAN & ANTHONY RED ROSE – FREE YOUR MIND FEAT. SLY & ROBBIE WITH LENKY MARSDEN. The video is now available on Youtube: Tuff Gong Television. His single with British band Sherlock Soul is available here.