Acoustic version of “Kings & Queens & Me” with Swedish duo MOLOSSER radiates warmth, by Mark Erickson

Earlier this year I praised a single by the Swedish rock duo, Molosser Crude. Tess sings and plays drums and Jahn uses guitars and bass. 

Twin Moons – a stoner rock diamond from Swedish duo Molosser Crude, by Mark Erickson – East Portland Blog

They have now released another single, offering both electric and acoustic versions of “Kings & Queens & Me.”  Sometimes I read songs’ lyrical content; rarely do I listen to words. I hear the vocals as part of the music – another layer of instrumentation. On the electric version, I frankly did not warm to the vocal instrument.  Seemed flat. However, the delicate acoustic version radiated warmth, and did not even resemble the other version.

Released on Evil Ear, I will pay to see Molosser Crude live, no doubt. Perhaps Evil Ear can organize a bevy of Scandinavian bands to tour America!