The great Olle Borelius victorious with “Body Of Mine”

“Body Of Mine” is the third single by 20-year-old Olle Borelius of Malmö, Sweden. It is about the challenges of growing and not being able to love or to be satisfied with your appearance and at the same time longing for a future day of self-acceptance.

It started as an acoustic song recorded at home. But Olle wanted something else for this song. His father Tobias called Daniel (Danish Daycare and Emerald Park) and the recordings were transferred to his studio and got a new electronic sound. “Body Of Mine” differs from the two first singles “Only A Kid” and “Who We Are”, which had a more folkpop sound to them.

Olle Borelius is the son of Tobias Borelius, singer and songwriter of Emerald Park and And The Broken. Olle started writing songs in his mid teenage years. The lyrics are honest and a bit self-therapeutic. The recording of the first release Only A Kid was a graduation gift from the members of And The Broken.