Ocean’s Envy: “‘Statement Piece’ is the song that is late to the party and still leaves first”

Ocean’s Envy is a Dallas, Texas-based powerhouse of a project featuring legal-eagle frontman Kurt Mantheiy. Kurt spent the genesis of his musical career playing and touring in hardcore/punk bands and now brings that counter culture intensity to the more mature sounds of Ocean’s Envy.

By day Kurt works as an entertainment lawyer (sometimes arguing with your favorite bands management and legal counsel), but by nights he is posted up in the studio blending emotional guitars and heavy synths with passioned vocals. The songwriting goes as deep as the wounds left from a life of chronic illness and heartbreak, but with a light at the end of the tunnel.

Ocean’s Envy is a studio born band that was built for the stage. The pristine production values and sound design are cutting edge while still retaining a nostalgic vibe. Ocean’s Envy is a cult and Kurt works with master producer Jonathan Paulsen to make it all possible. He is the best in the game and elevates these songs to a totally different level of existence.

Fueled by energy drinks, heartbreak, and raw energy, the songs and aesthetic are influenced by bands as wide as Mineral, AFI, Chromeo, Elton John, U2, Kylie Minogue, & Jimmy Eat World. The lyrical content is heavy but with hooks that will stay with you all day and party with you all night.

Social Media: Instagram
Track Link: All Platforms