The Mental Health Benefits Of Encouraging Wildlife Into Your Backyard, by Jennifer Kirwan

Engaging with wildlife can improve your cognitive health and give psychological benefits, according to research. Oregon currently ranks as the worst state for mental healthcare.  Therefore, encouraging wildlife into your East Portland home’s backyard can be great for your mental health. Here are some of the most common species in the area and how to attract them to your backyard.

Butterfly conservation

In 2018, Sir David Attenborough stated that “watching butterflies is good for you.” Butterfly conservation is often recommended for people needing to boost their mental health. There are around 15 different species of butterflies and moths that can be spotted in the Portland area. The Satyr Anglewing butterfly is commonly found in East Portland, but you may also find Anise Swallowtail, Red Admiral, and Cabbage White, among others. Nectar plants are crucial for attracting adult butterflies to your garden, so fill your garden with Heartleaf Milkweed, Blue Blossom, Coastal Wallflower, and Chokecherry plants. Butterflies also need access to water and they love to bask in the sun. Placing rocks in the sunshine near plants gives butterflies the perfect place to stretch their wings and enjoy the sunshine.

Wild birds

Studies have found that simply being around wild birds makes you happier. 33% of people take part in birdwatching and, as a result, they’re less likely to experience depression, stress, and anxiety. East Portland is home to lots of wild birds, including Townsend’s Warbler, Pileated Woodpecker, Green Heron, Varied Thrush, and Streaked Horn Lark. To attract wild birds to backyards you need to build a natural environment for them. This should include plants that are native to the area, such as Oceanspray and Incense Cedar. Bird feeders are a good way to encourage wild birds to visit you too. Make sure you spread feeders out across your backyard and pack them full of fat and protein bird mixes.

Bee keeping

There are around 4,000 different species of bees in America. The ones found most often in Portland include Cuckoo bees, Longhorn bees, Tickle bees, and Sweet bees. Bees play a big part in keeping people happy and healthy. The honey they make that you eat makes your brain release melatonin which is known to reduce anxiety levels. Bees also pollinate plants and food produce which allows you to eat a healthy diet – something which also contributes to good mental health. Bees particularly like flowers that are blue, white, yellow, or purple so it’s best to add these to your backyard. They also have some of the same needs as butterflies, including needing drinking water and plants packed full of nectar. A shallow birdbath is ideal for bees as they can easily access it. Bee nests, hotels, and boxes are good for making bees feel comfortable and will protect them from the weather.

With so many people in East Portland and the surrounding area experiencing mental health problems, it makes sense to try to tackle it in a natural and effective way. Thankfully, there is some great wildlife in East Portland and it’s relatively easy to persuade it to take up home in your backyard.