The Noose Tightens, by Rob Shapiro

The Beth Israel Synagogue hostage-taker was heard, during the crisis, saying on the livestream:

“They let me in. I said ‘Is this a night shelter?’ and they let me in and they gave me a cup of tea so I do feel bad… I like the rabbi, he’s a good guy, I bonded with him, I really like him… I’ve only been here for a couple hours but I can see he’s a good guy.”

Jawaid Alam, president of the Islamic Center of Southlake said that the Rabbi, Charlie Cytron-Walker (that’s him in the photo above), is a personal friend and a friend of the Muslim community who has promoted peace and cooperation across faiths.

“He is a peace-loving person, a Rabbi and Jewish leader, but a true friend of the Muslim community,” Alam said. “He and his family are considered part of the Muslim community, and he considers us part of the Jewish community.”

Alam said it is “unthinkable that this would happen at the synagogue of a peace-loving rabbi who has promoted interfaith talks.”


It’s not unthinkable; it is PREDICTABLE.

CAIR’s Zahra Billoo practically mandated it in a speech last month, cheered on by ciphers and opportunists like Linda Sarsour.

Our histories, causes, views, expressions, etc., are immaterial, no matter how progressive or consistent, or based in fact and care.

We are Jews, which instantly renders us suspect. We are not allowed to speak in our defense. We are not allowed to criticize, or define our experience. We are shouted down with accusations of ulterior motives, dual loyalties, excess privilege. We are not allowed to center ourselves in attacks against our holiest places.

Since Saturday, the “… but Israel!” bullshit has been constant, as has the gaslighting by media, as has the conspicuous silence by the overwhelming bulk of the performative “anti-racist” celebrities and academics.

So it doesn’t matter that this rabbi ticked all the correct boxes mandated by the gatekeepers of the humanist Left — critical of Israel, valuer of all rights, champion of Muslims and Jews alike. His humanity and good deeds had been meticulously mitigated and forcefully argued as a cover for secret dark aims.

Until, eventually, he was simply a Jew, deserving of mistrust and terror.

I hope all of you who have upheld and amplified Sarsour, Billoo, and their ilk (you know who you are, and so do I), take a moment here and consider exactly what it is that you’ve been supporting, what it means to your Jewish friends.

Before it’s too late.

Because next time, as Pittsburgh, Poway, et al have made clear, Jews just like me and my children will die.