From Whence Cometh Malarkey? by Paul “The Legend” Johnson

Just heard it used
Been awhile
Might need to call NPR.
A way with words

How can we use the language we have, become the language we need?
If it’s true you are captured by words, the implication is that words are like fences.
Now- now we need to go into undiscovered territory and make our minds create new sounds, captured phonetically and turned into print.

The petals of the flower and the wings of the butterfly share a kindred spirit
Wrought without concept of time
Ever efficient and integrated they afford the sublime

The grapes were delicious.
The art of the stripped down was unexpected.
Something here is looking at you.
And it’s sticking it’s tongue out.
I dun growd these grapes
Took f in years|
6 years
This cartoon is my alter ego without the ego
A character for a child’s book?
The bloody one is when I got kicked in the head by a donkey.
A miniature donkey at that.
The cloven with 4 wheel drive will beat bipeds on snow wearing tennis shoes from my experience at least…
The one with the blind lady is deep… she echo-located and told me that beyond a shadow of doubt, auras are real.
Didn’t mean to send a picture of a bathroom
The one with the young man is my nephew Jasen.
A Marine.
I still have his spent cartridges.
I use them to blow up worms.
He called me one terrible night
Then he was by my side for two years.
He got married a week ago.
The pic where i’m in black shorts & Kurt and I are geeking out.
We’re high as fuck on mushrooms on an island in the Florida Keys.
Ft. Jefferson.
Dry Tortuga’s
Plenty of turtles, no fresh water.
This katana samurai sword is balanced in between two doorways to the kitchen.
The kitchen can become a gymnasium of discourse at times.
Sharpening our wits. Sniffing out higher paths.
Poking and jabbing each other.
Ultimately laughing and learning.
We have guests take it out, if it speaks to them.
It’s had some gravitons pass energy into it.
Very cool
Some photos are of my dearest friends and our journey together thru life and death
Shikuwasa Citrus of Okinawa Japan, by Paul Lawrence Johnson