Bola Wrap: Non-Lethal Police Tool For Use in Mental Health Crisis Interventions, by Mark Erickson

This past weekend, three months after a Minneapolis police officer murdered George Floyd, which sparked national protests, and protests which are continuing in Portland, a white police officer in Kenosha , WI overreacted and shot Jacob Blake, a Black man, in the back multiple times as he walked from the officer to get into his car with his children inside.  I am sure you have seen the video by now. Unrest and protests ensued Sunday evening, prompting Wisconsin’s Governor to call the National Guard.

A citizen captured the shooting on their phone.  So easy to do these days, and there are also cameras in fixed positions all around us. Axon, formerly known as Taser and maker of the “non-lethal” taser, is the industry leader in body cameras. The Chicago cop who murdered LaQuan McDonald wore an Axon camera.  You are on video, dude!!! Something more needs to be done.

On Sunday in Chicago, police, in my opinion, overreacted to a scene where the individual was clearly in the midst of a mental health crisis. CPD overreacted when shooting a U of Chicago student in December 2019 who was in the midst of a mental health crisis. Of course, these are just two examples. Something more needs to be done.

I propose that police departments across the globe use the non-lethal Bola Wrap. It is basically a lasso that immobilizes the hysteric person/drugged person/person running away.  Bring the person under control without inducing pain that comes with the taser, pepper spray, or tear gas, and does not kill.

Just today, the LAPD announced it intends to move forward with the BolaWrap:

The maker of Bola Wrap, Wrap Technologies, has contracts with several European countries and numerous US police forces.  Don’t apply a choke hold, do not force your knee on someone’s neck, do not shoot someone in the back.  Instead, use the Bola Wrap to subdue the innocent without causing harm, and later prove guilt!

  • Mark Erickson