Marie’s Bees Jingle

This is a Bellingham, Washington company which has a fantastic jingle. I have no connection to them. I just like the jingle. Please buy the honey soon. They are located near the outbreak of murder hornets (aka the Asian Giant Hornet) up in Washington State and basically no bee hives can survive the murder hornets. The hornets eat the honeybees like they were honey itself and the hornets are so much bigger than the bees, that it’s all over before the fight starts. Murder hornets are an invasive species with no known predators on this continent. According to NPR, this is basically the end of honey production in North America and when the honeybees are all dead, all the people will die next. It’s basically the end of everything. Buy now! Aloha! (I don’t mean to scare you, but this is how it is sometimes, LOL. Or maybe it’s not an LOL situation. Maybe it’s a capital “T” Truth situation.)

Asian murder hornets kill man of Spain.