Quarantine Blues, by Davin Michael Stedman

People be like “just stay home for two weeks and self quarantine”

But that’s not how America works. That’s how Bernie Sanders’ America works. But America just wants to project that we are a livable country full of livable wages.

But the truth is that a lot of people that have been talking a lot of smack about the homeless are about to join them. And they voted against their best interest and their families, if they voted at all.

Because they don’t even know who FDR was. Billions of dollars have been invested in telling generations of Americans that The New Deal didn’t work, and it finally stuck.

But it worked. It worked all the way up until they took it apart. Social security worked until they gutted it, and then said,

“Look it’s broken!”

You wonder why you have no test for Coronavirus. No stimulus check to help you quarantine.

But that’s what real first world countries have. We’re so obsessed with being #1, we created a whole new category for ourselves, but it’s just another name for Second Class.

But that Socialism, the free tests and the big fat aid package,

…that will go to the politicians and corporations that paid good money to be saved by the stimulus packages they call communism when it lands in the hands of those that paid for it.

The job creators are the ones who buy, buy, buy, not the ones who sell, sell, sell.

But you have been sold a poison pill. And you actually paid for it twice. For it to be made and the price for its consumption.

I’ll vote Blue for whom ever, for I am just a nameless Hoo, and the Grinch got us again. But I know who gutters my bread and feeds the nonsense in our heads.

The Greeks said, never be insulted. Just know people only tell you the truth which is useful, or nonsense which you can disregard.

Bear that in mind. An education is one tool to know the difference. I don’t believe in common sense if the common man keeps paying for his own chains. I have seen them shine them things.

Take care of your chains!

Let freedom ring…

…for without reason and self awareness, it is the emptiest thing.

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– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many ventures, such as the AMAZING blog, 100milesofmusic.com. Davin’s recent song has become a global earworm and Caribbean dancehall hit. Listen here on Reggaeville: DAVIN MICHAEL STEDMAN & ANTHONY RED ROSE – FREE YOUR MIND FEAT. SLY & ROBBIE WITH LENKY MARSDEN. The video is now available on Youtube: Tuff Gong Television. His single with British band Sherlock Soul is available here.