Christopher Hitchens was a man of staggering genius, by Davin Michael Stedman

Christopher Hitchens was a man of staggering genius. One of the bright spots of the blood sucking nature of the interweb wasteland is getting to watch this man work and evolve.

You change, the world changes, but History never changes, only the calculation in which we gaze back upon it with prejudice.

But whether or not you agree with this man, and whether or not the young Hitchens would have agreed with his ghost, it would have been something to see him debate with himself as a youth, versus a middle aged man who died too soon.

The young quick mind vs the wisdom of a man over flowing with experience and vinegar.

Dying too soon, he never lost his gift, only his life. His sword caked with the blood of liars and fools never dulled.

Hitchens died in these fields with his boots on, slumped against The Philosopher’s Stone.

Lesser men sought the truth about Gold, Hitchens fought in vain for Truth, and sought to make each day in vain, its’ Golden age.

– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many ventures, such as the AMAZING blog, Davin’s new song has become a global earworm and Caribbean dancehall hit. Listen here on Reggaeville: DAVIN MICHAEL STEDMAN & ANTHONY RED ROSE – FREE YOUR MIND FEAT. SLY & ROBBIE WITH LENKY MARSDEN. The video is now available on Youtube: Tuff Gong Television. His single with British band Sherlock Soul is available here.