I am not mad at the Mueller Report, by Davin Michael Stedman

I am not mad at the Mueller Report. Manafort didn’t FLIP. If he had flipped there would have been a case of collusion. Manafort was a good Russian agent and he did his job. He might survive.

R Kelly peed on a kid on tape and got away with it and his fans are his fans. Trump colluded with Russia, got away with it because there was not enough evidence to indict something that was obvious, and his fans are still going to love him.

The trick of collusion, obstruction, and crime today is to do it openly. The cameras are everywhere, let the cameras roll. In America Tamir Rice gets shot on video, and the shooter walks. Maybe if it wasn’t all on camera Meuller and Tamir’s parents would have had a better case.

It is We that are twisted, in the chokehold of money and power. Trump is just the rawest manifestation our own hypocrisy.

Props to Nancy Pelosi for knowing what was happening with the Report and steering the Democratic Party away from the rocks off betting impeachment on that thing.

The Right hates her because she is good. The Left hates her because the Left is highly susceptible to propaganda from Russia and the Right. The Left is broken into a million pieces like a porcelain doll.

We couldn’t even get it together to take back the Senate so we could impeach Trump regardless. The fault of Donald Trump still falls on the voters of the United States. For all the collusion we actually witnessed playing out on this platform and the Obstruction of Justice that happened on NBC with Lester Holt and countless times on Twitter, Trump still had to win State after State in our Electoral system rigged to favor Slave Owners and tip our hat to the economically and educationally weakened South.

Mueller indicted a lot of Trump’s criminal organization. Only a gangster like a Gambino would call the Mueller report a victory and a vindication of innocence.

He’s a criminal. And if the Left doesn’t get it together and stop infighting as we have been clearly triggered and trained to do so, Russia and The Right will continue to collude through Trump to win in 2020.

A Coup is a Coup is a Coup.

Now it’s up to the Left and sane people on the either side to Do You Boo. Our President is still a Russian colluding fascist mad man that obstructs Justice with social media and openly on “Fake News” and gets away with it. Even with a two year investigation into a Russian funded real estate runnin’ Gangster that said he could shoot a man on 5th Avenue and say POWs ain’t heroes, and still get elected.

He did. I warned you.

I am warning you he could win again. That is the problem with successful Coups and the fact the Republican know how to consistently win without the popular vote.

– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many ventures, such as the AMAZING blog, 100milesofmusic.com. Davin’s new song has become a global earworm and Caribbean dancehall hit. Listen here on Reggaeville: DAVIN MICHAEL STEDMAN & ANTHONY RED ROSE – FREE YOUR MIND FEAT. SLY & ROBBIE WITH LENKY MARSDEN. The video is now available on Youtube: Tuff Gong Television. His single with British band Sherlock Soul is available here.