Cat Empire Rules Showbox, by Lytell Kim

It’s nearly impossible to have a lousy time at a ska show. I’ve seen only a couple of ska bands really, but small sample size be damned; it would be madness not to move your feet My wife and I bounced around like a couple of kids Wednesday as the Cat Empire took over the Showbox in Seattle. My wife is very discerning and doesn’t put up with my mopey music. She rolls her eyes at electronica and or rages from the Pixies and their like. I don’t like her country or chirpy Indigo Girls either. So it is a real celebration when the Kims find musical common ground.

The Cat Empire, a sextet from Australia, has been playing for about 10 years, building a cult following with consistently rousing live shows. They’re known as a party band for good reason. They’ve got two trumpeters and a sax, as well as a DJ/scratcher. They dabble in jazz, while frontman Felix Riebl sometimes goes on a bit of a rap. The choruses to some of their most popular numbers are heavy on nonsense syllables like “la la la.” Just like a good buzz, it doesn’t have to make sense to feel good. There’s lots of singing along and dancing at Cat Empire shows.

The Showbox show was no exception. The place — still avoiding the owners’ wrecking ball — was about three-quarters full. Kim and I had seen the Cat Empire about five years ago at Neumo’s, tipped off by friends who somehow knew about them. They were delightful then and luxuriated in the larger venue Wednesday. We maintained our dignified perch in one of the balcony areas at first, but Kim and I were so moved by the upbeat that we … moved. We shimmied like young people. We kissed in public.

– Lytell Kim

[Click on the video with your browser and you will be able to move the very camera through which you’re seeing the video, and move it around 360 degrees. This video was filmed in 360. The Cat Empire has recorded a series of videos in 360. To see them all, go here]