Fyre Festival Documentaries: Watch Them Both, by Emily Pothast

Finally finished both Fyre Festival documentaries, then read about why the midwest is so cold — (due to climate change ice melt, the polar vortex is no longer contained to the North Pole) — and realized that we are all trapped at Fyre Festival. Billy McFarland is the relentless hucksterism of neoliberal capitalism, enabled and marketed to the credulous masses by a cadre of privileged underlings who suspect he’s full of shit, but go along with him anyway because at least they’re not at the bottom of the pyramid scheme. The Bahamas are our fragile ecosystem that we never learned to properly value or engineer for. The lady from the Bahamas who lost everything she had due to the wild, clueless entitlement of a handful of rich white people is literally a lady from the Bahamas who lost everything she had due to the wild, clueless entitlement of a handful of rich white people. And of course fighting over rain-soaked disaster tents and sad sandwiches will soon be the only future left on Earth.

– Emily Pothast
