Red States Love the Red Army and Other True Life Fairy tales From this Idiotic Timeline, by Davin Michael Stedman

The most gangster move by The GOP was using social media ad buys, bots, and trolls to dupe the Left into attacking the Left.

The most mobster thing of all is who they teamed up with.

The most demonic thing about this new found power to manipulate the masses is that never before have we been able to target the individual to determine what type of propaganda and outright lies they want to be fed.

If schools were able to indoctrinate us, our phones are simply our new tutors.

You know if people just didn’t believe what they were told about their neighbor these kind of divisive attacks would be toothless. But it seems we love this tea.

It’s amazing that people who say they don’t believe the news believe in social media.

We have not evolved one bit since we burned women we called Witches on stakes, since Romans were throwing Christians to the Lions, since the Romans crucified Jesus and blamed the Jews, or since Ruwanda, or since Neo-Nazis stormed a bar in Lynnwood a couple weeks ago.

The first thing we have to accept to beat Artificial Intelligence and its algorithmic power to herd us, is that we are simply naughty monkeys with weak bodies and juicy brains.

We have to accept that we are idiots and that the only chance we have is to band together.

Then we’ll fight amongst ourselves still because we are naughty little monkeys. The more I study humanity and history, the more foolish we seem.

You know how many people I have met that don’t appear to be mentally deficient have told me they believe the earth is flat AND we are ruled by Lizards?

We have always been a race of idiots that only gossip about back stabbing, which we call both our classics and the Tabloids.

But now the technology has arrived to finally truly control us by convincing us to police ourselves by teaching us to beg for the abandonment of due process and democracy.

We’re pretty dumb. We’re easily frightened. We’re terribly predictable.

I love humanity, but we need to get over ourselves and own the fact we’re not an IQ point smarter than a cavemen if you gave him square meals.

In fact ancient people were right. Civilizations that didn’t write things down had better memory. The advancement of culture by documenting it, did make us more forgetful individuality as we extended living memory.

I am all for an education, but illiterate tribesman of any so called race and era turn into geniuses when the lights go out and all these Americans clinging to their guns run out of ammo.

Google is simultaneously enriching and erasing my brain. Why remember anything when you can find easy lies on your phone which might as well be called f☆ck buddy?

OK back to motivational weight loss recipes and record label reveals in the USA.

– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many ventures, such as the AMAZING blog, Davin’s new song has become a global earworm and Caribbean dancehall hit. Listen here on Reggaeville: DAVIN MICHAEL STEDMAN & ANTHONY RED ROSE – FREE YOUR MIND FEAT. SLY & ROBBIE WITH LENKY MARSDEN. The video is now available on Youtube. His single with British band Sherlock Soul is available here.