The Devil came to Pittsburgh – Wipe That Red Hat off Your Hands, by The Lutheran

Certain people made a deal with the Devil, and the Devil came to Pittsburgh. You see we can all pull up the articles where certain Right Wing conservative business leaders said they didn’t like what Trump was saying, but they like what he is DOING.

These of course were very wealthy contributors to his campaign, who made Trump’s Nationalist campaign to hoodwink these stupid confused self-abused rednecks possible.

Plus some help from The Russians, but it took certain American billionaires to sign off on this Trump deal. They got their tax break, they got a couple promises that Reagan never would have signed off on. Ultra Right wing rich dick stuff.

Getting these sh☆t for brains antisemitic 50 year old pizza delivery boys riled up with their Nazi code words like ‘Globalist’ was just part of the formula that seemed necessary to put this New York stooge in office. Business is about compromises and knifing people in the back.

Of course pretty soon Nazis started marching and globalist just becomes the K word, and blue eyed shouts of “they will not replace us.”

No cause for alarm. These can’t be REAL Nazis. Lets just block all the Muslim countries that didn’t provide highjackers on 9/11 and let this Nazi thing really take shape. What’s the worse thing a couple Nazis can do, besides reproduce like f☆cking Gremlins when you feed them memes after midnight.

I met these Nazis outside Trump’s rally in Everett, and I pulled a Jewish teenager and a Nazi hiding behind a mask together that had been shouting at each other, and I asked the Jewish kid if he wished had had the magical networking and human puppetry powers that this Nazi accused him of. Then I asked the Nazi point blank if he believed what he was really saying and why he was such a p☆ssy he had to wear a mask.

The answers were fascinating, and everyone walked away calmly because I established that it was all very absurd.

But these American White Nationalists have no voice of reason. They are in a White boy terrorist feedback loop, and they are going to kill more people.

They hope this is the beginning of something.

Because they are beginning to become disillusioned. Taylor Swift is not their goddess. That green frog Pepe is not even their frog. No matter how many OK signs they make with their hands, their he-God Trump still has a daughter he wants to bang that converted to Judaism, for a dweeb that is so pathetic The White House won’t let him do interviews because he sounds like a drunk girl scout trying to sell stale cookies.

Cognitive dissonance is coming. At deadly levels. A conservative friend of mine tried to claim the terrorist that shot up that synagogue was anti-Trump because he was frustrated with Trump. No he was a frustrated fan boy that didn’t like where Trump’s reality show is headed and he wanted to get Trump’s attention.

It’s time to cancel this show and it starts Nov 6th.

The Truth is, I hate Nazis. I know it’s a strong word. But I hate them. So maybe this is hate speech. But also hate everyone of you muthaf☆kaz that said you didn’t like what Trump says, but you like what he is doing. Because a 97 year old survivor of the Holocaust died in Pittsburgh at the hands of a Nazi 72 years after he escaped the clutches of Hitler’s ovens.

Because America used to kill Nazis. Now we just we elect them.

The Devil came to Pittsburgh and all we got was this tax cut. The Devil is on the loose now boy. MAGA won’t come apart so easily. Dreams of the Third Reich are rising in Eastern Europe, and the American Nazis read Novels about winning and waging a war for a Whites Only Nation in the Great Northwest. To each of them it is a prophesy. They see promise here.

Now tell me why George Soros is behind everything…because that’s where the poison starts to work.
