The Minnesota State Fair is Bigger and Better than Ever, by Mark Erickson

The Minnesota State Fair is a gathering of all souls – the quintessential merging of country, suburban, and city folk – over the course of 12 days, ending on Labor Day. Affectionately known as the “Great Minnesota Get-Together”, it is situated on permanent grounds in St. Paul. My parents took the family to the State Fair on an annual basis. As a kid, the highlight was visiting “Machinery Hill.” This section contained combines, tractors, snowmobiles and other implements for me to climb though these days it is more about ATVs, riding lawn mowers, and other machines smaller than a tractor. I’ve taken my kids to the State Fair when in town. My wife and I attended this year, contributing to the record-setting 222,194 people on the First Saturday.

Saturday’s crowd made it difficult to stroll freely as in other years. We could barely move about in the horse barn. We held hands often to avoid separation…errr…to soak in the moments as a married couple. I felt sorry for those pushing strollers or using wheelchairs or scooters with navigation being so difficult! When we decided to leave we got stuck because people stopped on the sidewalks to watch the parade. Uff da!

This Get-Together brings farm country to the big city. I’ve always enjoyed seeing the 4-Hers with their loved ones. My wife and I saw the judging of sheep. The farm kids live such a different life from what we’ve experienced. The kids had no problem grabbing their prized possessions by the neck to settle them for judging. No reservations when forcing legs to a certain position for the judge, just like Westminster Dog Show contestants. There are dedicated buildings for other livestock such as goats, rabbits, and pigs. Every year people gawk at the largest pig – this year’s winner weighed 1,040 pounds!

I noticed the blue ribbons awarded to the Byfuglien girls and waited around the pen for a short time, hoping to meet the winners. I wanted to ask them of their relation to ex-Black Hawk Dustin Byfuglien who had a great series in 2010 when the Hawks won their first Stanley Cup in decades. I knew he came from Roseau, MN (a very small town way up north). He scored the game three winner in OT. I’ve seen footage of the parade in “downtown” Roseau with Dustin clutching the Cup. I can’t find the video, but this tearful one does justice.

Besides livestock, the Fair is known for FOOD, especially food on a stick, and new items are introduced every year. Several years ago the proprietor of Famous Dave’s BBQ introduced chocolate covered bacon on a stick. It was quite tasty. Before going to this year’s Fair I saw one food item being introduced. It was flattened cotton candy with ice cream scoops and cereal (Trix, I believe) placed in the middle and then rolled up to eat like a wrap. I passed on that sugar sandwich. I cannot get a better pork chop sandwich than at the Fair. Can’t miss Tom Thumb donuts or a milkshake from the Dairy Building. I spotted Andrew Zimmern of “Bizarre Foods” walking down the road while being filmed. Look for a future episode devoted to the Fair.

The kitsch of the Fair also interests me. Seed art, politicians, canoe bookcases (this is the Land of 10,000 Lakes), quilts, and of course, “Mary Kay of the Milky Way.” The Fair’s queen and her attendants each have their bust sculpted in a 90 pound block of butter, which is kept at 40 degrees. What a commemoration, and all y’all need to check her out.

Mark Erickson

Rimkus Loves the Minnesota State Fair

The Minnesota State Fair – This Year’s Food on a Stick, Bungee Jumping and Kissing in Ye Olde Mill, By Natasha Spence