The Amazing Grace of Aretha Franklin’s Music, by Eric Blu

I had a couple days to prepare for Aretha’s passing and this video, but find my efforts to be largely inadequate in the moment. Thank you, Ms. Franklin for being a voice from God. Thank you, personally, for teaching me how to bend words in such powerful, yet melodic ways. Rest In Peace, sister.

Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I’m starting my memorial of her with “Amazing Grace”. My grandma had this album and kept it in her bedroom separate from the rest of our records. When I finally heard it, I heard exactly how music can connect with people individually and collectively. I FELT music, viscerally, for the first time! It was the first hit of an addiction I hope to never shake.

– Eric Blu leads Eric Blu & The Soul Revue and the blues machine Fast Nasties. He is a guy you should follow.

Here’s “Handle My Scandal,” an awesome tune from Fast Nasties.