Yolanda Nicole – Halfmoon

Yolanda Nicole’s debut EP, HALFMOON has just come out. This work embodies the perfectly imperfect persona of Yolanda Nicole. The tracks are sassy yet sweet, angelic yet dangerous, and beautiful but crude. Yolanda’s powerhouse vocals bring these catchy tunes to life. HALFMOON was composed–Yolanda wrote all of the tracks– in a way to build balance from one track to the other. No two tracks resonate the same, leaving each track to take up a character of its own.

HALFMOON is a representation of Yolanda’s resistance to love and relationships. It is a strong indication that Yolanda Nicole is a force to be reckoned with. HALFMOON is the blueprint for her continued success. Be sure to stick around to watch her build her next masterpiece. This is only the beginning.

Here is a cover tune she committed to video a year ago: