Vandaveer – Spite

“Spite” is the fourth & final single from 2011’s Dig Down Deep. Filmed in Paris, France & directed by Loic Gillpain, the video stars Alban Lenoir & pays artful homage to Kafka’s Metamorphosis – an appropriately dark treatment for this sinister little number.

VANDAVEER is the song-singing, globetrotting alt-folk project penned & put forth by DC-by-way-of-Kentucky tunesmith Mark Charles Heidinger. Vandaveer shapeshifts from studio to stage & back with a revolving cast of characters, most prominent among them the angelic Rose Guerin, offering up the loveliest harmonies heard this side of Eden.

And on the horizon…

Vandaveer’s 4th full-length album, Oh, Willie, Please…, will be release in early 2013. For more information on this collection of traditional folk songs & murder ballads from the public domain, visit

Also available now from Vandaveer is a collection of classic holiday songs, including The Little Drummer Boy, Silver Bells, Blue Christmas, and more. Get it from iTunes here.