The Egine – Black Panther – If We Let it Go

In an effort to win the world over to her electrifying good looks, penetrating singing style and sexually charged performances, the Egine has been blanketing Facebook with paid advertisements. She is also preparing a new album and showing off some nifty covers on her Facebook page.

As for this tune, here’s some description from the Egine’s artist bio on her webpage:

“After taking some time out to perform and receive recognition as the Best New Artist at the Armenian Music Awards, Egine has recently unveiled her most recent music video: A live In-Studio performance of the original track ‘Black Panther’. So far, it has been met with great success climbing the You Tube ‘Popular Videos Around the Web Chart’. At last glance, it had shot to Number 4.”

And here’s “If We Let it Go,” which has drawn at least a million views on Youtube: