Alvin and the Chipmunks – Christmas Song, By Jude Rogland Payne

Allowing a five year old boy (and his slightly older siblings) to listen to A & the C was like feeding them all giant Pixy sticks washed down with Mountain Dew–they went absolutely ape. Dancing. Shrieking, because “their voices are funny, Mom!” Jumping off the couches. Jumping from the rocking chair to the couches. Shoving. Cartwheels. Everyone trying to sing like a Chipmunk. Hysterical laughing and simultaneous shouting. Prancing. One boy took off his shirt and almost got his pants off (because underwear is always Funny) before he was caught and rebuked. I have never, NEVER, seen anything like it. The CD was a gift from my brother, and yes, the relationship’s a little strained. Max was the one who gave the CD. I’m sure there are theological ramifications.

– Jude Rogland Payne