Epic Soundtracks – Sleeping Star, By Pat Thomas

I still remember it like it was yesterday, I was playing in Koln, Germany when I heard Epic SoundtracksSleeping Star – I was so cynical about “new” music by then – that it took a lot to catch my ear. But I was so enamored of Epic’s blend of Todd Rundgren meets Carole King piano based ballads that I called Bar/None the next day and made arrangements to release the CD in Europe. Then I got to know Epic personally and we put out an unreleased collection Debris. Later, when he got banned from playing in the USA due to work permit problems, he called me several times to help him out. Sadly, there was not much I could do. Then one day, a chill went up and down my spine when I picked up the telephone and heard that he’d died out on the mainline. After that, I put out two CDs of previously unreleased recordings including the LP he was working on when he died. Now, some pals have issued a 2 CD retrospective with a full disc’s worth of rarities. You need to hear this, it’s the missing link between Pet Sounds and Big Star III.

Pat Thomas is the author of the recently released work, Listen, Whitey! The Sights and Sounds of Black Power 1965-1975

