7 Ways to Eliminate the Pain of Heartburn, By Edie Tent

Cause and Effect

Heartburn, or acid reflux, is a common ailment that results in pain or a burning sensation in the chest. Although heartburn may not be chronic for everyone, it is estimated than an average of 20 percent of Americans experience heartburn at least once each week, and 40 percent suffer at least once each month. If you are experiencing symptoms of heartburn regularly, you might want to make some small changes that can reduce or eliminate the discomfort. Here are seven ways to eliminate the pain of heartburn.

1. Avoid Acidic Beverages

One of the leading causes of heartburn is consuming acidic beverages alone or with a meal. Acidic beverages like soda, coffee and alcohol relax the lower esophageal sphincter, increasing the movement of acid and causing that burning feeling in the chest.

2. Never Eat Before Bed

Many people only suffer from heartburn right as they try to fall asleep at night. This is because laying down with a full stomach can exacerbate conditions. It is best to get in the habit of eating at least three hours before going to bed each night.

3. Eating Smaller Meals

No matter what you eat, eating too much of it can cause the body’s digestive acid to go into overproduction. If you suffer from regular heartburn symptoms, especially after large meals, begin eating smaller meals. If you are still hungry with these smaller meals, don’t be afraid to eat frequently but keep the portion sizes small.

4. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Studies show that overweight and obese individuals suffer from heartburn significantly more than those who are able to maintain a healthy weight. Obesity contributes to the abdominal pressure that causes heartburn, so losing even a few pounds from your midsection can make a difference in how you feel. Says gastroenterologist Dr. Ronald Hu, “People who are more obese have more symptoms. Pregnant women can have more reflux.”

5. Reduce Stress

There is a lot of evidence that suggests that stress plays a large role in chronic heartburn. If you think this may be an issue for you, try to focus on relaxation and meditation techniques. Just a few minutes of calm or quiet walking, yoga or prayer each day can help reduce stress for some individuals.

6. Consider Heartburn Medications

Ultimately, having severe heartburn on a regular basis may mean that you need prescription medications. Speak to your primary care physician or internal medicine doctor about what options are best for you and how each medication needs to be taken.

7. Stop Smoking

If you are currently smoking, you may be making the pain of heartburn worse. Stop the burning by reducing, or cutting out entirely, the cigarettes you smoke each day. Avoiding cigarettes will strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter in just a matter of weeks.

Heartburn can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition, but it can fortunately be eliminated in most cases. Use these tips for advice on how to eliminate the pain of heartburn, also known as acid reflux.

– Edie Tent writes for AccessRx.com where you can find out more about dangers of canadian online pharmacies.