Young Empires – White Doves – Band Performs in PDX, 6/30 at Dante’s and Seattle, 6/29 at the Vera Project, By Holly Homan

[Young Empires will perform in Portland on June 30 at Dante’s and in Seattle on June 29 at The Vera Project.]

I like the jangly guitar sounds througout the song. The song reminded me of music which dominated the airwaves in the early eighties. Although the video itself is visually stunning, I don’t get the message the band is trying to convey. There’s a nice-appearing kid burning pictures in what looks like an old abandoned factory with some sinister man standing a short distance away from up high observing him. THe kid then runs away from a ball of fire, grabs some girl outside on some abandoned railroad tracks, they run through a graveyard dusted with snow, then into an abndoned building where they lie on an old mattress surrounded by flame with water cascading into the building. Suddenly they’re standing outside and everything’s fine. Are they running from a sinister past? Starting a new life? Anyway, I don’t get it, But the music isn’t bad. Not a whole lot that makes them stand out from the masses, but I’d be willing to investigate them more.

Holly Homan