Hand of Fate – Introduction, By Paul Johnson

The “aha” moment has received a lot of attention in the media and press for quite some time now. It seems that we as humans can experience breakthrough moments of mental clarity and in an instant discover a new consciousness level which empowers us to move toward our dreams and visions of how our, and others lives can be. Flip thru the channels and you will find a plethora of guru’s and self help coaches who tout themselves and various products as solutions to life’s many complexities.

The Oprah Winfrey Network is a classic example, and millions of books have been sold over the years as Oprah and her cadre of experts lead the world’s misfits forward with “aha” media that is just a quick trip to Amazon.com away. For many, these “life coaches” are helpful examples and fill a void in all of us. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Bible, is the grandest, and for Americans, the most published work in our country’s history.

A well worn and highlighted Bible is a sure sign of an individual who has sought, and found in print, many a helpful axiom or per Webster, “self evident truth that requires no proof.” If one were to flip thru the pages quickly, time honored wisdom would fly by like so many images in a cartoon or film. One would hope the richness and depth of each image would lead to the next in spiritual “High Definition.” However, the reality is that the sphere of these axioms is limitlessly complex and subjective, prone to interpretation and application which serves the reader, and as such can give us a handful of idiosyncratic goop when we need rock solid direction.

By transcending this complexity or getting a simpler view, we can eliminate the chaff and environmental distortion which precludes us from capturing what we are grasping for. Further, if we apply ourselves to understanding, we can of our own accord assemble a matrix of principles that is tailored to our needs and directs us predictably toward our chosen destination, provided that destination is in accordance with the reality our principles were derived from. Valid, sound principles work when consistently applied.

Sounds simple but applying these principles with the resounding thoroughness of our creator is an imaginary goal, a goal that is the bedrock of the “Kingdom Principle” referenced in the bible. To wit, that Kingdom where every tear is dried, aggressors dwell in peace with the passive, and the streets are paved with gold. Impossible? God loves the word impossible, and His children are of a like mind.

Hand of Fate is a foray into this idea that there is a set of values that, while simple and finite, provide a framework to infinite possibilities. Physics is a similar endeavor, as well as chemistry. We have a null hypothesis and we run with it until “aha” we reach the top of the hill and a new perspective is gained which changes the way we look at things.

In my need to find these truths, to understand them, and apply them, I have been writing them on index cards for years. I read them every day. I apply them every day. I review them every day. Some cards have been discarded, others have morphed, while others still shine endlessly.

For as many cards as I have, it is my goal to share them with you. I would like you to try them in life like so much spiritual DNA and help me to refine them for the benefit of myself and others. I pray that we together might have some training, and move in whatever fashion possible to that Kingdom we aspire towards.

Paul Johnson