America is a Spoiled Brat that Needs a Spanking, By Paul Johnson

Does America have Alzheimer’s?! How is it possible that we take in the regurgitated drivel of elections past with the appetite we demonstrate?! I swear I heard a republican say it was time for “change.” We need new ideas and the Republican Party has them. What in the hell is going on?! What we need is a giant collective enema to clear the crap out of our brains that has built up for the past two decades.

America is a spoiled brat that needs a spanking. There, I said it. We are spoiled, whiny invalids incapable of caring for ourselves and we need to grow up. We need to learn to say no, get some discipline and determination, and follow thru on our commitments.

Unemployment. This is what working people pay to keep people that aren’t working out of poverty. What’s wrong with poverty?! That’s what you get when you aren’t flexible, have arbitrary standards for yourself and refuse to retool to meet the demands of the now. I have not met a person in my life on unemployment who was not working the system or was their own biggest obstacle to employment. There, said it again. I dare say there is always a place for good effort, and it has an intrinsic reward. It’s when you decide it has to be to your standards and observe your ideals that you end up with a fat duff. Quit whining, shut up, and do something, anything well- for more than a weekend jack off. Get noticed.

Fiscal responsibility. Jeepers. If you can’t feed the baby don’t say maybe. We have enabled an entire culture of entitlement. Every generation appears to be fighting like 12 puppies on 6 teats and Mama’s tired and skinny. It’s a shame and an embarrassment.

We should be the standard for family values. We have lost our collective selves in a wave of personal interest. Each unto his own and together nothing. Waste as much as is needed so I get mine.

What kills me most is that this is the road to repeat, whatever spin you put on it. A repeat of Bush, a repeat of Obama, whatever. What’s really redundant is our sickly habits and the results they return to us.

Paul Johnson