10 Weird Fashion Trends of 2011, By Natasha Spence

Here’s my take on HOW or iF these trends may actually be adapted to mainstream fashion.

1. Meggings – Men, be jealous of women no more. You now have leggings of your own. They look like men’s tights, cut off at the bottom. Perhaps meggings will catch on in a looser fitting version, something like long johns made out of black spandex.

2. Circle Contact LensesPopular in Asia. They make the iris appear smaller by covering most of the lens with color. Perfect for the Precious Moments doll eye effect. These will only trend big if Precious Moments and the Twiggy Look make a comeback.

3. Feathery Eyelashes – Fantasy lashes with feathers, rhinstones and creative colors. Will probably be huge with teens. Middle agers may eventually (go edgy?) by wearing one little feather attached to the side of each set of lashes.

4. Animal Instinct Eyeshadow Press-Ons – Featuring leopard, zebra, tortoise and snake styles. A cool trend. Watch for middle agers wearing floral press-on designs and leopard press-ons at parties.

5. Pilgrim Chic – Have we gone full circle in fashion? Paris Fashions shows are returning to Plymouth Rock for ideas. Stark White Collars over the top of black or dark colored dresses. Let’s hope this doesn’t go mainstream. Black shoes with large buckles can’t be far behind.

6. Sheer Maxi Dresses – Rebellious Pilgrim Chic? Pilgrim daughter, “Yes, Father, I wore a full length black dress. You never said anything about it not being see through.” Maybe, in the midwest, the sheer part will only go from the ankles up to a little above the knees.

7. Men’s Crop Tops – Seen in a Milan Fashion Show. Welcome to body hang-ups, gentlemen if you don’t already have them. These will look great on toned bodies. Men with moobs and large bellies, not so much.

8. Lacy, Sheer Fashion for Men – Not seeing this catch on in the mainstream. Just can’t picture the average redneck asking his wife, “Have you seen my sheer top anywhere?”

9. Sleeve Tattoos – Why pay extra for shirts with sleeves? Get a sleeve tattoo. This may be a way for teens to finally raise the panic level in their already tattooed parents. Let’s hope it is not a mainstream trend. Everyone likes to change the pattern on their shirt sleeves, once in a while.

10. Body PaintIt’s everywhere. Bright. Fun. I think the novelty will wear off. Body painting is a lot of work to go through, just to look like you are dressed, when you’re not (except in paint, of course).

Natasha Spence