Beyoncé – Run The World (Girls) – One Mother’s Opinion, by D.T. Schneider

At almost five minutes long this video could have packed more punch if it was a minute shorter. Artistically well done with eye catching fashion and interesting dance moves that combine the show of girl power with the usual pop video sexual overtones, this video and song should quickly gain popularity. Girls will enjoy lyrics such as, “I’m repping for the girl who taking over this world. Disrespect us no they won’t. My persuasion can build a nation. You’ll do anything for me.” Visually and sonically, this is a well done video.

The only issue I see with it, is that as a mother, while I like the concept of strong women, I’m concerned about the “be powerful yet be stripper pole sexy” images it presents to preteens and teens. But, it is refreshing to see girls in control for a change in music videos. If you are a woman you will enjoy the shocked look on the man’s face at the end of the video.

– D.T. Schneider