She Asked the Balloon Wrangling Dude For a Machine Gun – He Added a Touch of Awesome

This is from Reddit, where the description read, “She asked the balloon wrangling dude for a machine gun. He added a touch of awesome.”

This Smithsonian-bound photo comes with a super-sized combo of illustrative details at no extra cost. Not only are we served the proud gleam of the misunderstood balloon man and the impish, satisfied beam of the birthday girl commando in the foreground, we get the sugared beverage dispenser humming and clunking internal ice cubes behind them as the many-hued menu sign touts a panoply of supercalorically identical but incrementally differently-shaped high value meals. Even the mass-produced ceiling tiles, the desperately uniform bucket lighting, the abundance of air vents and especially the menacing obsidian eyes of the observation camera bubbles identify this as, unmistakeably, a mall scene from America in the bittersweet early teens.
