CNN – Charlie Sheen Loved by Chicago Crowd

Charlie Sheen’s “Violent Torpedo of Truth” live stage show had more success in Chicago Sunday night than it had the previous night in Detroit, working better comedy into the show such as this exchange– Why does he pay for sex? He “ran out of things to buy.”

Charlie Sheen takes on Chicago

Chicago (CNN) — Was Saturday night some crazy bad dream? Because the Charlie Sheen show I saw at the Chicago Theater on Sunday night bore absolutely no resemblance to whatever it was the Detroit crowd and I think we witnessed on Saturday.

The entire nonsensical, rambling, random multi-media production? Scrapped.

In its place: a live 90-minute talk show, with Charlie as the guest.

From the start it was obvious a whole new show was planned.

Gone was the sadly unfunny comedian warming up the crowd. Instead, a guy who never introduced himself to the audience was on stage at about 8:15 p.m. to introduce Charlie to Chicago. (I happened to recognize him since I interviewed him the day before in Detroit – Charlie’s tour promoter from Live Nation, Joey Scoleri). – Full Story is here.