DADT, And Winning At Marbles, by Steve Stav

Some have somewhat correctly labeled the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” as a “starting point,” where my point is that it shouldn’t have been a point at all. Holy Moley, when you step back and look at it, it’s amazing to note how our country goes so far out of its way to prove to the world how Americans aren’t so equal, after all.

As far as our firmly divided leadership’s negotiations on DADT and other issues go… it’s like being a kid, and trading marbles with the kid next door. He’s got a particularly colored cat’s eye that you covet. You’ve got an ugly marble in your pile; you say, “Well, this one’s open for trade, and that one…” and you point to your butt-ugly marble and say, “but never this one.” Pretty soon the neighbor kid is going to trade his cat’s eye for your worthless, piece of shit marble that you otherwise would have thrown in as a freebie. And he’ll feel good about doing it.

We continue, decade after decade, to be played like little bitches. We weakly fight for education, food for hungry kids, clean water and air; meanwhile, “the other side” is busy making trillions, pausing occasionally to grant “concessions.” And now our own “side” is playing us for the fools we are, as well. We got a cracked, absurdly coveted marble – the right for gays and lesbians to openly serve in worthless, insane wars alongside mothers and grandmothers…. and we just finished trading a flawless cat’s eye (and a shooter to be named later) for another giveaway’ marble – unemployment insurance extensions for people who are probably more likely to vote Republican than Democrat.

Hooray. We’re winners.

Steve Stav
