Christmas thoughts, 2AM, 82nd & Holgate Walmart, East Portland, Oregon, Black Friday 2010.


It’s 2AM and I’m in the middle of a modern day Currier and Ives print. The parking lot is enervated, electric. A dazed polyglot of satisfied Walmart shoppers recess the aluminum store with armloads of discounted clothing. Cut rate electronics drop at sunup. Cellular reception bars are firm and plenteous, the inky skies are cloudless with light winds from the east, Facebook is open all night and all is scintillating in the world of commerce.

Merry Christmas and all good wishes for a better 2011!

– East Portland Blog


It’s now 4:30 AM and I’m back in my Currier and Ives Black Friday sled checking out the cellular coverage. After a tense, crowded, but productive hour at Gateway Kohl’s spending 118 to save 246, I’m now in the very crowded Target parking lot. It’s started to rain and warm up, but still no sign of dawn. Target values must be very alluring because cars are parking and people go in, but they don’t come out for a long while.

– East Portland Blog


2PM – Target at 122nd and Glisan had the longest checkout lines. It was festive and easy to land the doorbuster toasters and hand mixers, excruciatingly slow to pay for them. It was almost 6AM when we crawled home, craving for vegetable juice, large, raw, emerald-green salads, oatmeal without sugar, and anything healthy. We briefly planned some return strategies, regretted some bargains not taken, and slept the restless, doomed sleep of the overconsumed.

– East Portland Blog


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