Shangri-La found in northern Vietnam



Today’s New York Times has a fantastic article about a city in Northern Vietnam rightly becoming popular with tourists from all over the world:


In Northern Vietnam, a Region of Beauty and Ethnic Traditions

MY first glimpse of the place that some call Vietnam’s Shangri-La came on a brisk spring afternoon as we were careening along a narrow road hemmed in by sheer limestone walls. Our driver made a hairpin turn and all at once the landscape erupted into a sweep of dazzling slopes, serrated ridges and hanging valleys. In the pocket of a mountain pass called Heaven’s Gate, Hoang Tuan Anh, who also served as our guide, stopped his pickup truck so we could gaze at the vista of radiant sky that had opened up before us. This was only the beginning, Mr. Anh said, as we resumed our upward drive. “We will go as high as the clouds!”…

The rest of the article is found here.
