Peter Ustinov – This I Believe – A Twinge of Conscience, by Dr. Donald Mabbott

This I Believe” can often be a pulpit. Ustinov does not treat it as such. There is no proselytizing, no extolling, or drama; there is only a simple laundry list of his beliefs. Out of the secular comes spirituality, out of the irreverent comes faith.

Some of the smartest people I know never went to college, and some of the most spiritual people I know haven’t set foot in a church in years.

It is not our faith or intellect, however, that make us human, it is the willingness to accept the faith and intellect of others.

– Dr. Donald Mabbott

A Twinge of Conscience
Peter Ustinov – United Kingdom
This I Believe
As heard on The Bob Edwards Show, April 23, 2010

I must admit at once that I am one of those people who reach their conclusions about faith by a process of elimination rather than as a result of an opening of private heavens. I am aware that there are conventions which believe faith to be as blind and beautiful as love, and even if I cannot subscribe to this, I feel that people like myself, even if incapable of mystical frenzies, have the consolation of being far less dangerous to our fellow men…

To read or listen to a complete version of Mr. Ustinov’s thoughts, click here.