A Teen Take on The Pixies’ Where is My Mind? by Colette Moran

This from Colette Moran, author of the fine blog, Clearly Nebulous:

“I discovered this song because a young actress in a movie my kids like said it was on her iPod because her mom turned her on to the Pixies. (Apparently it was also in “Fight Club.”) So I go to YouTube and found this video which appears to be homemade by a couple of teenage boys — one of the best I’ve ever seen!”

Post script from Colette: [The young actress who enjoyed the Pixies on her iPod was] “Kelly Vitz in “Nancy Drew” from 2007. (Pat Carroll has a bit part in it, too.) My kids always watch all the extras on DVDs and they had the movie’s child actors revealing what they listened to on their iPods. Funny that my kids often turn me on to more good music than I do for them these days!”