
Bachmann Overdrive: Ex-Fundamentalist Sees Michelle Bachmann as an Unlikely and Self-Serving Ally of Fully Politicized Christianity, by Mitch Hurst

As a post-believer raised in the Christian fundamentalist tradition, I maintain connection with my believing past through observing the evolution of Christian conservatism, particularly as it has become indistinguishable from modern Republicanism. [Note: I do not assume every Christian Conservative identifies as a Republican, but I am referring to the almost complete overlap of the …

Will Progressives Treat BHO Better than Conservatives Treated GHWB?, by Lawrence Spaulding

So much gets presented as a challenge to President Obama, but his leadership style really asks more of his base and the American people: patience, a sense of history, an understanding of the modest limits of politics and our governing institutions. Obama seems to have these—do we? – Lawrence Spaulding Now, doesn’t that feel better? …

Don’t Be Co-opted by the Naive, Even Dangerous, Viewpoint that Obama’s Tax Cuts/Unemployment Deal is Not Good for Democrats, by Lawrence Spaulding

. Please, please, please tell me that you are not ready to be co-opted by the naive and even dangerous view that is being adopted by too many already that the tax cuts/unemployment benefits deal that Pres. Obama just worked out with Republican leaders is somehow a bad deal, that he got rolled, or that …