PJ Harvey – Wang Dang Doodle

This is BernardStreetCred’s take on PJ Harvey‘s version of “Wang Dang Doodle“:

“I like PJ, and I love almost all covers on principle — but here’s an instance where the singer and song don’t quite match up, despite what seems like a clever fit (her cover of Highway 61 Revisited that’s floating around out there is another). Maybe Peej can’t truly tap into her genuinely compelling voice when she’s singing others’ songs. She’d not be alone in that limitation, if it really is one. It merely marks her gift as creative rather than interpretive. Bottom line: I’d rather have her songs than her versions of others. PJ aims to take us places in her music, and she can’t get there without vehicles of her own design. “Little fish. big fish. Swimming in the water./Come back here, man. gimme my daughter.” – BSC



Koko Taylor – Wang Dang Doodle