Last night I dreamt about ends justifying means, by Mark Erickson

Last night I dreamt that I killed Henry Kissinger. ‘Twas a vivid dream. Setting: a beach with many people engaged in typical beach behavior.  I noticed the former Secretary of State (or as I refer to him – Satan’s Emissary on Earth) to my left with his son. Henry stood and sauntered toward the water with his cell phone in hand when I seized upon my idea.  Henry entered the water and I did as well, albeit 20 yards from him.

I stealthily approached. When Henry got to about-chest high water, I went underwater. Like a wrestler – or an alligator – I went low, tripped him as I pushed forward, and thus he became submerged. I dragged him to deeper water until the nonagenarian swallowed water to his demise. I swam parallel to the shore until I felt no one would connect me to Henry’s disappearance. I emerged from the water with his cell phone and threw it far from the man guilty of countless war crimes. I walked onto the beach and kept walking. I then heard Henry’s son create a commotion because of his missing dad.  No one suspected me as I left the beach.

Here is my self-analysis.  Let’s partially tabulate the war criminal behavior of Satan’s Emissary on Earth aka Mr. Kiss of Death.  At the side of President Nixon, the two plotted to escalate the Vietnam War as part of their peace plank, leading to an uncalculated number of Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotian civilians who pointlessly lost their lives. In Chile, Mr. Kiss of Death served as the architect of the coup of  democratically-elected President Salvador Allende. The U.S. then installed puppet General Augusto Pinochet. The ensuing crimes against humanity included mass torture, rape, and executions of thousands of Chileans. Add East Timor and Iraq. Given that my dream occurred during the current, propagandized Israeli “cease fire,” the resumption of “mowing the lawn” (a euphemism for killing Palestinian children), the return of tanks rumbling through Gaza, and the use of white phosphorus on Palestinians, Israel had lost its chief architect.   

So, at tremendous personal risk, my resistance to evil, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s (unsuccessful) attempt to assassinate Adolph Hitler, through discernment, I was compelled by the extraordinary opportunity to justify the use of violence to meet the end goal of eliminating a man guilty of war crimes over decades, and prevent future war crimes. Being submerged, Henry could no longer satisfy Satan’s lust for decay, destruction, and death.

Like I said, it was a vivid dream.  And I remembered it.

Bonhoeffer and Resistance to Evil, by Lisa Dahill