Things You Should Stop Doing Right Now to Improve Your Life, by Cody McBride

Life can be challenging at times, and you might occasionally feel like you’re running in place. Stagnation can occur from doing the same things repeatedly and getting into a habit. It is a phase in life most people go through. But if you’re not careful, you can end up on the treadmill forever. Fortunately, East Portland Blog has some suggestions on what you can avoid in order to start moving forward. 

Working a Job You Don’t Like 

You might stay at a job you don’t like because you’re afraid you won’t be able to get another one. Most people keep working in environments that are not fit for their mental and emotional state of mind when they think they can’t get better jobs. 

To safeguard your emotional state, you should quit or look for a new position. Before seeking a new job, ensure that you create a stellar and professional resume. Here’s a free resume builder you can use. Choose a professionally designed resume from the library and add your photos and copy. 


Procrastination is the thief of time, and you should avoid it at all costs. The activity you say you will do later doesn’t go anywhere; it keeps waiting for you until you complete it. When you stop procrastinating, you will see your life improve. Learn how to stop procrastinating using these tricks

Being Negative 

Negative energy and attitudes leave your life miserable. Negativity can be caused by life difficulties and can become a habit over time if not dealt with. When most people cannot deal with negativity in their lives, they project it to others. You can stop the negative energy from flocking your mind by doing these tricks, and you will see your life grow. 

Comparing Yourself to Others 

When you compare yourself to others, you compromise your joy, your sanity, and even your financial stability. There will always be someone who is doing better than you. If you keep spending money and time to be like them, you’ll never win. Instead, be content with what you have, and run your race. You can quit comparing yourself to others by doing these things. 

Putting Your Own Needs on the Back Burner 

Quit putting yourself second. You are the author of your life, and you shouldn’t let anyone define your happiness. Many people put their friends’ or families’ needs first, but if it is not reciprocated, it can turn into frustration and depression. Other times, you focus on other people’s wants and forget yourself, causing your life to become stagnant. Learn to put yourself first with these tricks

Not Prioritizing Self-Care 

You can often get caught up with life and forget to take care of yourself. You may fail to prioritize self-care when: 

  • You don’t have enough hours during the day to accomplish your plans. 
  • You work long hours. 
  • You’re hesitant to spend money on yourself. 

Start Doing Things Differently to Elevate Your Life 

If you want to improve your life and start seeing fruits from your work, you need to quit these bad habits you’ve accumulated over time. These hacks will need consistency and patience, so do not panic when you don’t see immediate results. Stay consistent with your work, and eventually, you will elevate your life. 

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