I Rally & March For Women’s Reproductive Rights In Central Seattle, by Holly Homan

On Saturday May 14 I attended the Seattle Women’s March/Rally to support women’s reproductive rights. Seattle’s light rail system now goes north and is about six miles from my house. So I drove to the transit center and hopped a train and was at the rally in no time. When I arrived there was already someone speaking but I had to worm my way to the front to hear. A woman was telling the crowd that in Washington State we finally got a democratic majority in 2017 because we organized and we voted. Abortion is legal and unrestricted in Washington but our work is not done. We have to prevent vigilante lawsuits like the ones in Idaho and Texas (among other states) and stressed the need to keep organizing and keep voting. We will not go back.

Another woman addressed the crowd with a story of how she lived in Virginia and found herself pregnant while still in high school. Her mother would not allow her to get an abortion because of her personal beliefs and she had to drop out of high school in her senior year to take care of the baby. Shortly after having the baby, her mother kicked them both out of the house because they couldn’t contribute to the expenses. She spent the next fifteen years of her life on public assistance, unable to get ahead financially. 

Mind you, the same lawmakers voting to restrict abortions also consistently vote against funding social service programs like affordable health care, affordable child care and paid parental leave.

There was a good sized crowd at the rally, held at Seattle’s Cal Anderson Park. The weather report said rain and high winds were expected, but it was mostly sunny and warm. Scanning the crowd I saw a good mix of men and women and different ages and ethnicities.

After a handful of speakers a march ensued down Broadway about ten blocks and back again. I hobbled along using a walking stick (I’ve had multiple knee surgeries) and listened to chants that included, “Hey mister mister, get your laws off my sister” and,” We will not go back.”

Ironically, as I packed up my camera gear and put my Pandora on shuffle the first song that played through my headphones was the Interrupters’ “She Got Arrested” about a woman who shoots her abusive partner.

The draconian laws attacking women’s abortion rights are similar to what the Taliban does to women. They are what fascist leaders do. One of the traits of a fascist is to ignore experts and only listen to those you agree with. I studied behavioral psychology and spent the better part of two decades working in the field. Republican men want women back in the home cooking and cleaning for them and caring for THEIR children. She must be ready, willing and able when he comes home and wants to spread his seed or simply get his rocks off. That is the only value they place on women. They fear and resent women in power and fight back by taking away their rights. 

Back in 1993 I lost a wanted pregnancy in the seventh week. I was told by my doctor that the embryo may expel itself but I could opt for a D & C to get it over with. I chose the latter as I did want to get it over with. Under some republican legislations, even that would not be allowed. None of these male lawmakers are doctors and some are actually demanding doctors be arrested for providing abortions. They are fascist because they refuse to listen to the experts and only listen to those they agree with. They are not only doing this to women but to transgender and to gays. They’re telling black people their history doesn’t matter and shouldn’t be taught in schools. I don’t know how to educate, to wake enough people up to realize our democracy hangs in peril, that if republicans take over this autumn we will lose our democracy and become a fascist nation. 

For anyone concerned with human rights and for anyone wanting this country to remain a democracy, you must vote for pro-choice candidates and candidates who value all people and believe everyone should be treated with dignity.