My experience with Upper Penninsula winters has taught me the value of hobbies, by Paul “the Legend” Johnson

Here is one of my first woodblock carving prints. Wanted it to have “color lift”! Hope it brightens you up!

One of my dearest friends, Elizabeth Lyssa Magnuson, described it in this way:

“Beautiful work! I like the way that it starts in blue calming turning its way to greens and blues with the beginnings of yellow putting the warning signs up. They’re are breaks especially the circle embracing all the straight lines. The the fire red of anger then the calm of the storm with the strong blue ending the chaos. To me the lines are the invading life cycle we live or I live. Never ending however embracing it. Everyone see’s their own interpretations of this work. Mine was from my view and my view of the colors of calm to anger ending back to calm. A continuous life. And the lines are the veins. The mystery is the circle right at the yellow turning blue and green.”