Social Distancing and the Increasingly Obsolete Man, by Steve Stav

(I imagine Burgess Meredith in the role)

“YOU! Get off of the sidewalk! Retreat to your unit, er, home, immediately!”

“But… the sky is so blue today, and the air smells so good. It is a good day for a walk.“

“Practice social distancing, now!”

“But I am practicing social distancing… there’s no one around.”

“That’s because everyone else is in their units! Socially distance yourself, now!”

“But why? No one’s going to infect me. And even if I had been contagious, I no longer am. I’ve been in my unit, alone, for 31 days.”

“The danger has not yet been eliminated! Socially distance yourself!”

“But… you are not socially distant. You are on the streets, in groups. Above the streets, together in helicopters. Together in offices, watching video from the drones. You are together. I am alone. I am socially distant.”

“This is not up for debate! Retreat now! There will be no more warnings!”

“But… “

“Prepare to fire!”

– Steve Stav