East Portland’s Own, Dream Wulf Shares All Things Unconsidered

“We wanted to feel something different – something that drove us and at the same time something we could let go of and let it take control of us. Jessica and I were living in Austin, Texas writing the demo for this album. We had written and recorded a song a day every day for the last two days. I asked her to write a love song – and the rest is history!”

This song is about the synergy that touches us all. It is, in turn, about the incredible energy that lifts the spirits from within and pulls you to what some may call a destiny- if one listens. Capturing the connection and fervent prospect of the twin flame energy. “The Last Known Purple,” is an alternative love song about both the journey through life and the mirror souls you meet a long the way, teaching you to see where you are and pushing you to be better. The song is about being mystified by life itself and the magic we come across daily. We can all feel magic when we align with our purpose and continue to listen to the wind and the power within – howling with unbridled creativity, desire, and passion to be let out.

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Dream Wulf is a blend of alternative, stoner, psychedelic, dark dream, and bloom gloom, rock and roll music. They are based out of East Portland. (Where else, amigo? This is the game now. The one for all the marbles.)

They have just released a double EP masterpiece called – All Things Unconsidered. The record will contain remixed and remastered classics from their demo release in 2017 and 4 new songs. They are also writing a full length concept album and there is no release date currently set for that albatross.

The band is unsigned because founding members and visionaries, John Villadelgado and Jessica Bahl, enjoy exciting their dream in their own way. They are joined by prog-metal/jazz drummer Glenn Walters and psychedelic punk enthusiast Kyla Maunakea on her trademark headless bass.

Dream Wulf’s sound is fiercely psychedelic with seductive female vocals, insanely hot guitar riffs, intricate time signatures and hella dark undertones that leave you guessing, wondering, pondering and hungry for more music and red meat. They create a riff that flirts with the push and pull of light and dark energy, creating the constant synergy of a positive message flying in on a dark delivery vessel like Darth Vader’s escape pod in the first movie. Magnetically charged and always pointing to true north, Dream Wulf live performances are captivating and dreamy, radiating a snarling intensity which lives up to their lupine name.

Dream Wulf Links:
Website: https://www.dreamwulf.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dreamwulf/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dreamwulfofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dreamwulfofficial/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6l2BYlKhT1-5NIqJL3Bjhg?view_as=subscriber
Bandcamp: https://dreamwulf.bandcamp.com/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/61Kwj7HkZo4FeHZbUZQLtT

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