R.I.P Andrew “Greedy” Smith: Mental As Anything – Live it up, by Steve Stav

Holey foreshadowing, Batman. I was just watching Mental As Anything videos last night – stuff I haven’t seen in years – and this evening, read the news that singer/keyboardist Andrew “Greedy” Smith just died of a heart attack while driving in Sydney.

Smith, 63, was a beloved figure in Australia for decades, having co-formed Mental As Anything in 1977. The band, known for its eclectic, unique mix of musical stylings and a delightfully off-kilter sense of humour, found some traction when “new wave” became a commodity in the 1980s.

Mental As Anything garned some international attention with the number “Live It Up” after the song appeared in the film Crocodile Dundee.

I’ve always had a soft spot for the band, and especially for their most well-known single — which was written by Smith.

Farewell from this side of the ocean, Greedy. By all accounts, you were a great guy. And what a voice.

Steve Stav