Persian Gulf Primer: Who is Threatening Whom? by Mark Erickson

I have compartmentalized the s***show in the White House for a very long time. Here is a primer for EPB:


I firmly oppose White House efforts to increase tensions in the Persian Gulf to create conditions for a devastating U.S.-Iran war. The U.S. (i.e. President Dump reversing the progress made by his predecessor), in my opinion, should have never reneged on the Iran Nuclear Deal, which could have imposed brutal sanctions if violated. France, Russia, China and several other countries agreed to the deal.

My homeland must avoid more senseless war. The USA must draw down its dangerous naval presence in the Persian Gulf. The USA must end its economic war against Iran. Did you know that the USA has encircled Iran with military bases (and Russia too)? Literally dozens of bases are located in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Qatar…the USA has over 800 military bases situated across the globe.

Who is threatening whom?

Mark Erickson