More Lutheran Blues: Treason is in the air, but reason? Not so much, by Davin Michael Stedman

This is a photo of what used to be called an Orphanage. Short hand in this case for orphan asylum.

One of the most telling things about American society is that those that claim they are so adamant about the well being of unborn children, in truth show little support for the social programs that support children and adults today, let alone the additional 60 million people they speak of as missing in action or even murdered.

If pro-life supporters were the socialists, like Jesus handing out food and social services where ever he went, then at least I could say,

“Well that is a genuine reflection of your beliefs.”

But as a Lutheran raised on pragmatism and reality, I am calling Bullsh☆t.

Because children become adults pretty quickly and stay that way the rest of their lives. Show me the Crocodile tears for Trayvan Martin when he was aborted by George Zimmerman. And he was still just a boy. And there were no Crocodile tears, only rationalizations about his highly controversial wardrobe of a hoodie every one of already owns, because it’s sometime chilly and hoodies are cozy. Unless you are Black and not unborn. In that case they are as terrifying as clenched fist.

Ya’ know if the man in black, Johnny Cash wanted to talk to me about how much abortion broke his heart, I would say,

“Man with all your work in prison reform, and seeing what adults are products of such great neglect, let me hear your thoughts on how we can prepare our society and social structure for such a burden of growth, and well crime.”

There is something actually quite evil that happened in this country since 1994 as crime began to magically decline 18 to 21 years after Roe v Wade, yet prisons swelled and we’re built instead of hospitals and schools.

As 1984 approached and became a reality; as social media put all of our identities on display crime has changed drastically in a era of instant shame and panic.

“Oh you have issues with anxiety? Well there are cameras f☆cking everywhere; there is one in your pocket and its listening to your every word. It’s amazing in a past where rats were choked for wearing a wire, that crime is a thing at all.”

Instead, in the era of Trump, crime has become an act of full disclosure. Open treason. Only the wealthy can get away with crime, as it has become legal if you are lawyered up and above the law and above the line.

Had we simply avoided this unnecessary Opioid epidemic, America would be a much more peaceful and productive place, rather than a drug fueled late term abortion clinic were adults are dying like flies, especially in Red States and Red zones were prospects are particularly hopeless.

When ever I speak in such terms with my Luthernistic grasp on f☆cking reality, boy does the conversation change when I speak with people that are simply Prolife.

“You mean to tell me you never thought of why we stopped building orphanges in this Country? How about we have this debate at the local orphanage, or how about we have it at the place it used to be.”

I should probably stop writing and talking about the most controversial and complex subjects, but then again I should probably also sign up for a f☆cking labatomy.

The look of confusion when you bring up basic things to people that never even bothered to learn the other argument and its weaknesses.

I can argue elequently for Donald Trump and for the defunding of Planned Parenthood, and a 2nd Amendment without restrictions whatsoever. And that’s the only way you can really argue successfully for what you actually believe in.

If we didn’t live in a world of screenshots and a lack of context and nuance, I would recommend arguing both sides online.

But actually I recommend someone just deletes facebook, because nothing will ever be solved here.

This is where they are unsolved. This is where the dumb, short, simplistic un-ideas reign supreme and nuance; the life blood of untelligent discourse goes to die like dogs.

OK back to photos of my sweet new abs.

Look at that orphan asylum. What changed? Now White babies are worth their weight in Gold. Supply and demand? I guess that’s just Capitalism. The market has spoken.

– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many ventures, such as the AMAZING blog, Davin’s new song has become a global earworm and Caribbean dancehall hit. Listen here on Reggaeville: DAVIN MICHAEL STEDMAN & ANTHONY RED ROSE – FREE YOUR MIND FEAT. SLY & ROBBIE WITH LENKY MARSDEN. The video is now available on Youtube: Tuff Gong Television. His single with British band Sherlock Soul is available here.