Britain’s Raunchy Punks Subhumans Storm the Stage At El Corazon, by Holly Homan

My first concert of summer (I consider June the beginning of summer) just happened to be Brit punkers the Subhumans. Subhumans are raw, wild and raunchy, and politically charged — just as punk should be.

Vocalist/front man, Dick Lucas is lank and wiry and flitted about the stage as if electrodes were planted on his feet that shocked him every two seconds. Before their set was half finished he was dripping with sweat from head to toe, so this should give you an idea of how energetic he was. His vocals were a combination of guttural growls and screams. The whole band, Bruce Treasure – guitar, backing vocals, Phil – bass and Trotsky – drums) created a gritty but powerful sound. All members have been with the band since 1980. This is a band that has recorded more than a few anti-war songs. As Dick Lucas said, he wrote many of them when Bush was waging war in order to steal oil and then he added angrily, “and then you guys go and elect Donald Trump.” Several boos emanated.
After an encore of about four songs, the night was over. The non-stop stage diving and the non-stop circle pit and the non-stop moshing ended also. All that was left was the euphoric aura filling the air as people dressed in punk regalia, people sporting mohawks, streamed out of the tiny club.

Playing prior to Subhumans was another hard core punk band calling themselves Corrupted Youth. Hailing from L.A., This five-piece was fierce and fast. Vocalist (Nacho) was a beefy looking guy who also barely stayed in one spot as he growled and yelled into his mic. He also oozed a fair bit of charisma despite the gritty, grungy punk rage he projected. Their drummer (Raul Rif Raff) sported a sky-high paintbrush mohawk as he slammed away with fury. Both the bass player (Adan) and guitarist (Eugene) shredded their strings so fast I was surprised their strings didn’t melt off their respective guitars. This band is a force to be reckoned with and are not for the faint of heart. A steady circle pit ignited the second they shredded their first power chords as did non-stop moshing and I was slammed into so many times I was sure I’d need a spinal realignment.

Prior to Corrupted Youth was a Portland band called Death Ridge Boys. Death Ridge Boys are another hard core punk band that plays hard, fast and angry. In other words, pure unadulterated punk rock. They also were politically charged, making comments about the fascism currently sweeping our country. Death Ridge Boys are, Will Harris – guitar, vocals Paul Burdette – guitar Erik Trexel – drums Jonathan Hughes – bass.

Starting the night was Seattle’s own Dreadful Children. Unfortunately I missed their set because I believed the FB posting from El Corazon that claimed the show started at 8:00, so I got there at 8:00. I’ve often arrived at the posted time and I’ve been an hour early. I wish they’d get more consistent about when their shows start and when doors open. I’m totally bummed at having missed Dreadful Children as I like them a lot and hadn’t seen them in quite some time.

However, the bands I did see were all outstanding and I had a great time.

– All photos property of Holly Homan, all rights reserved.