We Will Follow: TADIMAN – Kdor drugemu jamo koplje: New Video From Slovenia’s Finest Reggae Artist, by Davin Michael Stedman

Tadej Tadiman Tratnik is one of the more intriguing reggae artists I met in Kingston, Jamaica. He definitely stood out Inna di Yard at Chinna’s place.

Though this world had signs of diversity, from a Japanese Rasta that smoked but never spoke to an esteemed professor from Berkeley, Tadej found a way to blend in and still be unmistakable.

Here was the lone Eastern European up and coming reggae star paying tribute to Chinna, the loadstar and guiding light of the movement simply known today by its first name, Roots.

I smiled more than once watching this smartly dressed Slovenian reggae star and the prince of a lost generation laughing and chatting about a music movement that has translated into not just every language, but every dialect.

I am going to be writing more about Tadej in the future and I’ll be seeing him again in Kingston this February.

This is his brand new video, in which he plays every instrument except his homie who pops in a tight lead with a dexterity and majesty that echos Chinna’s own work.

– Musician and writer Davin Michael Stedman has many musical ventures and is one of the driving forces behind the Staxx Brothers. He is planning a tour of Nigeria for 2018.